Update general course settings

By default, this page (a series of vertical tabs) displays the main Course settings where you can:

  • enter or edit the course title,

  • enter/edit the general category to which the course belongs,

  • choose the language in which the course interface is set (this can be set to language other than that of the platform, - particularly useful for a “total immersion” language course).

  • enter a Department name and/or web address

  • add a picture to be displayed in the course catalogue (important for “marketing” your course)

  • choose a stylesheet for this course from a drop down menu (by default that of the platform)

Illustration: Course settings - General

Illustration: Courses catalog – Example of courses illustrations

Note : the D**epartment** is a feature for which support has been dropped so far. Depending on visual styles, the department might appear as a link in the campus header (for old, deprecated styles). This is all a department will change. In more recent version of Chamilo 1.8, if you need to manage courses by departments inside a university, we recommend you use the multi-url feature, described in the administrator's guide, little brother of this guide_._

Last updated