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Last updated
Organization name
The name of the organization (appears in the header on the right)
Organization URL (web address)
The URL of the institutions (the link that appears in the header on the right)
E-learning portal name
The Name of your Chamilo Portal (appears in the header)
Portal Administrator: E-mail
The e-mail address of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)
Portal Administrator: Last Name
The Family Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)
Portal Administrator: First Name
The First Name of the Platform Administrator (appears in the footer on the left)
Platform Administrator Information in footer
Show the Information of the Platform Administrator in the footer?
Session's tutor's data is shown in the footer.
Show the session's tutor reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?
Show teacher information in footer
Show the teacher reference (name and e-mail if available) in the footer?
Server Type
What sort of server is this? This enables or disables some specific options. On a development server there is a translation feature functional that indicates untranslated strings
Who's Online
Display the number of persons that are online?
Is registration as a new user allowed? Can users create new accounts?
Registration as Trainer
Can one register as a trainer (with the ability to create training)?
Lost password
Are users allowed to request their lost password?
Display Code in Training name
Display Training Code in training list
Display trainer in training name
Display trainer in training list
Portal Administrator: Telephone
The telephone number of the platform administrator
Enable learner view
Enable the user view, which allows a trainer or admin to see a training as a participant or user would see it
Page after login
The page which is seen by the user entering the platform
Time limit on Who Is Online
This time limit defines for how many seconds after his last action a user will be considered online
Example material on training creation
Create example material automatically when creating a new course
Account validity
A user account is valid for this number of days after creation
Use training sessions
Training sessions give a different way of dealing with training, where training have an author, a coach and learners. Each coach gives a training for a set period of time, called a training session, to a set of learners who do not mix with other learner groups attached to another training session.
Show email addresses
Show email addresses to users
Show training number
Show the number of training in each category in the training categories on the homepage
Show empty training categories
Show the categories of training on the homepage, even if they're empty
Show back links from categories/training
Show a link to go back in the training hierarchy. A link is available at the bottom of the list anyway.
Show training languages
Show the language each training is in, next to the training title, on the homepage training list
Display categories on home page
This option will display or hide training categories on the portal home page
Tabs in the header
Check the tabs you want to see appear in the header. The unchecked tabs will appear on the right hand menu on the portal homepage and my training page if these need to appear
No-reply e-mail address
This is the e-mail address to be used when an e-mail has to be sent specifically requesting that no answer be sent in return. Generally, this e-mail address should be configured on your server to drop/ignore any incoming e-mail.
User theme selection
Allow users to select their own visual theme in their profile. This will change the look of Chamilo for them, but will leave the default style of the portal intact. If a specific course or session has a specific theme assigned, it will have priority over user-defined themes.
Display closed training on login page and portal start page?
Display closed training on the login page and training start page? On the portal start page an icon will appear next to the training to quickly subscribe to the training. This will only appear on the portal start page when the user is logged in and when the user is not subscribed to the portal yet.
Show session coach
Show the global session coach name in session title box in the training list
Allow non admin to create training
Allow non administrators (trainers) to create new training in the portal
Learners access to training catalogue
Allow learners to browse the training catalogue and subscribe to available training
Enable terms and conditions
This option will display the Terms and Conditions in the register form for new users
Email alert, of creation a new course
Send an email to administrator of the platform, each time the teacher register a new course
Show link to report bug
Show a link in the header to report a bug inside of our support platform ( When clicking on the link, the user is sent to the support platform, on a wiki page that describes the bug reporting process.
Training validation
When "Training validation" feature is activated, a teacher is not able to create a training alone. He/she fills a training request. The platform administrator reviews the request and approves it or rejects it.This feature relies on automated e-mail messages; set Chamilo to access an e-mail server and to use a dedicated an e-mail account.
Training validation - a link to the terms and conditions
This is the URL to the "Terms and Conditions" document that is valid for making a training request. If the address here is set, before sending a training request the user should read and agree with these terms and conditions.If you activate Chamilo's module "Terms and Conditions" and if you want its URL to be used, then leave this setting empty.
Enable watermark in PDF export
By enabling this option, you can upload an image or a text that will be automatically added as watermark to all PDF exports of documents on the system.
Enable watermark definition by course
When this option is enabled, teachers can define their own watermark for the documents in their courses.
PDF watermark text
This text will be added as a watermark to the documents exports as PDF.
Show classes to users
Show the classes to users. Classes are a feature that allow you to register/unregister groups of users into a session or a course directly, reducing the administrative hassle. When you pick this option, learners will be able to see in which class they are through their social network interface.
Font resize accessibility feature
Enable this option to show a set of font resize options on the top-right side of your campus. This will allow visually impaired to read their course contents more easily.
Hide courses list in sessions
When showing the session block in your courses page, hide the list of courses inside that session (only show them inside the specific session screen).
Training homepage design
How would you like the homepage of a training to look?
Tools shortcuts
Show the tool shortcuts in the banner?
Group categories
Allow trainers to create categories in the Groups tool?
Default hard disk space
What is the available disk space? You can override the quota for specific training through: platform administration > Training > modify
Group disk space available
What is the default hard disk space available for a groups documents tool?
Allow users profiling inside training
Can a trainer define learner profile fields to retrieve additional information?
Display training navigation menu
Display a navigation menu that quickens access to the tools
Enable tool introduction
Enable introductions on each tool's homepage
Training homepage breadcrumb
The breadcrumb is the horizontal links navigation system usually in the top left of your page. This option selects what you want to appear in the breadcrumb on courses' homepages
Default forum view
What should be the default option when creating a new forum. Any trainer can however choose a different view for every individual forum
Survey e-mail sender (no-reply)
Should the survey invitations use the coach email address or the no-reply address defined in the main configuration section?
Allow training themes
Allows training graphical themes and makes it possible to change the style sheet used by a training to any of the possible style sheets available to Chamilo. When a user enters the training, the style sheet of the training will have priority over the user's own style sheet and the platform's default style sheet.
Show session data title
Show session data comment
Show glossary terms in documents
From here you can configure how to add links to the glossary terms from the documents
Show the courses descriptions in the catalogue
Show the courses descriptions as an integrated popup when clicking on a course info icon in the courses catalogue
Allow coaches to edit inside training sessions
Allow coaches to edit inside training sessions comment
Show the glossary terms in extra tools
From here you can configure how to add the glossary terms in extra tools as learning path and exercise tool
Go directly to the course after login
When a user is registered in one course, go directly to the course after login
Minimum score of exercises
Define a minimum score (generally 0) for all the exercises on the platform. This will define how final results are shown to users and teachers.
Maximum score of exercises
Define a maximum score (generally 10,20 or 100) for all the exercises on the platform. This will define how final results are shown to users and teachers.
Enable Quiz scenario
From here you will be able to create exercises that propose different questions depending in the user's answers.
Portal Language
You can determine the platform languages in a different part of the platform administration, namely: Chamilo Platform Languages
Hide DLTT Mark-up
Hide the [= ... =] mark-up when a language variable is not translated
Character set
The character set is what pilots the way specific languages can be displayed in Chamilo. If you use Russian or Japanese characters, for example, you might want to change this. For all English, Latin and west-european characters, the default ISO-8859-15 should be al-right.
Allow definition and use of sub-languages
By enabling this option, you will be able to define variations for each of the language terms used in the platform's interface, in the form of a new language based on and extending an existing language. You'll find this option in the languages section of the administration panel.
Which parts of the profile can be changed?
Registration: required fields
Which fields are required (besides name, first name, login and password)
Personal Agenda
Can the learner add personal events to the Agenda?
Extended profile
If this setting is set to 'True', a user can fill in following (optional) fields: 'My competences', 'My diplomas', 'What I am able to teach' and 'My personal open area'
Extended profile fields in registration
Which of the following fields of the extended profile have to be available in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated (see above).
Required extended profile fields in registration
Which of the following fields of the extended profile are required in the user registration process? This requires that the extended profile is activated and that the field is also available in the registration form (see above).
Modules active upon training creation
Which tools have to be activated (visible) by default when a new training is created?
Use a title for the document name
This will allow the use of a title for document names instead of document_name.ext
Deleted files cannot be restored
Deleting a file in the documents tool permanently deletes it. The file cannot be restored
Drop box: Can documents be overwritten
Can the original document be overwritten when a user or trainer uploads a document with the name of a document that already exist? If you answer yes then you loose the conversioning mechanism.
Drop box: Maximum file size of a document
How big (in bytes) can a drop box document be?
Drop box: Upload to own drop box space?
Allow trainers and users to upload documents to their drop box without sending the documents to themselves
Drop box: Learner Illegal HTML tag removed : Learner
Allow users to send documents to other users (peer 2 peer). Users might use this for less relevant documents also (mp3, tests solutions, ...). If you disable this then the users can send documents to the trainer only.
Drop box: allow group
Users can send files to groups
Drop box: Allow mailing
With the mailing functionality you can send each learner a personal document
Active online email editor
If this option is activated, clicking on an e-mail address will open an online mail editor.
Display the small month calendar in the agenda tool
This setting enables or disables the small month calendar that appears in the left column of the agenda tool
Display the upcoming events in the agenda tool
This setting enables or disables the upcoming events that appears in the left column of the agenda tool of the course
Number of upcoming events that have to be displayed.
The number of upcoming events that have to be displayed in the agenda. This requires that the upcoming event functionality is activated (see setting above).
The booking system allows you to book resources for your training (rooms, tables, books, screens, ...). You need this tool to be enabled (through the Admin) to have it appear in the user menu.
Internal messaging tool
Enabling the internal messaging tool allows users to send messages to other users of the platform and to have a messaging inbox.
Social network tool (Facebook-like)
The social network tool allows users to define relations with other users and, by doing so, to define groups of friends. Combined with the internal messaging tool, this tool allows tight communication with friends, inside the portal environment.
Allow students to download directories
Allow students to pack and download a complete directory from the document tool
Allow users to copy files from a course in your personal file area
Allows users to copy files from a course in your personal file area, visible through the Social Network or through the HTML editor when they are out of a course
Allow users to create groups in social network
Allow users to create groups in social network
Allow send message to all platform users
Allow send message to all platform users
Max upload file size in messages
Maximum size for file uploads in the messaging tool (in Bytes)
Create and edit SVG files
This option allows you to create and edit SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) multilayer online, as well as export them to PNG format images.
Allow students to export web documents to PDF format in the documents and wiki tools
This feature is enabled by default, but in case of server overload abuse it, or specific learning environments, might want to disable it for all courses.
Show users folders in the documents tool
This option allows you to show or hide to teachers the folders that the system generates for each user who visits the tool documents or send a file through the web editor. [...]
Show in documents tool all folders containing multimedia resources supplied by default
Multimedia file folders containing files supplied by default organized in categories of video, audio, image and flash animations to use in their courses. Although you make it invisible into the document tool, you can still use these resources in the platform web editor.
Show the history folder of chat conversations
This will show to teacher the folder that contains all sessions that have been made in the chat, the teacher can make them visible or not students and use them as a resource
Enable online services to conversion text in audio
Online tool to convert text into speech. Uses speech synthesis systems and technology to provide voice resources.
Hide tools from teachers
Check the tools you want to hide from teachers. This will not prohibit access to the tool (no security purpose), but will make it invisible for the teachers in order to avoid confusion (with too many tools - usability purpose).
Enable external Pixlr services
Pixlr allow you to edit, adjust and filter your photos with features similar to Photoshop. It is the ideal complement to process images based on bitmaps
Activate recorder - voice player Nanogong
Nanogong is a recorder - voice player that allows you to record your voice and send it to the platform or download it into your hard drive. It also lets you play what you recorded. The students only need a microphone and speakers, and accept the load applet when first loaded. It is very useful for language learners to hear his voice after listening the correct pronunciation proposed by teacher in another wav or mp3 voice file.
HTML Editor
Public pages compliance to WAI
WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) is an initiative to make the web more accessible. By selecting this option, the public pages of Chamilo will become more accessible. This also means that some content on the portal's public pages might appear differently.
Advanced file manager for WYSIWYG editor
Enable advanced file manager for WYSIWYG editor? This will add a considerable amount of additional options to the file manager that opens in a pop-up window when uploading files to the server.
mimeTEX mathematical editor
Enable mimeTeX mathematical editor. The activation is not fully realized if not previously installed on the server the executable MimeTex file. See the Chamilo installation guide.
ASCIIMathML mathematical editor
Enable ASCIIMathML mathematical editor
Mathematical graphics editor ASCIIsvg
Activation of mathematical graphics editor (ASCIIsvg).
Load the file ASCIIMathML.js in all the system's pages
Activate this setting if you want to show ASCIIMathML-based mathematical formulas and ASCIIsvg-based mathematical graphics not only in the "Documents" tool, but elsewhere in the system.
Allow students to insert videos from YouTube
Enable the possibility that students can insert YouTube videos
Block students copy and paste
Block students the ability to copy and paste into the WYSIWYG editor
Buttons bar extended
Enable button bars extended when the WYSIWYG editor is maximized
WIRIS mathematical editor
Enable WIRIS mathematical editor. Installing this plugin you get WIRIS editor and WIRIS CAS. [...]
Spell check
Enable spell check
Forcing to Wiki to paste as plain text
This will prevent many hidden tags, incorrect or non-standard, copied from other texts to stop corrupting the text of the Wiki after many issues; but will lose some features while editing.
Activate Google maps
Activate the button to insert Google maps. Activation is not fully realized if not previously edited the file main/inc/lib/fckeditor/myconfig.php and added a Google maps API key.
Activate Image maps
Activate the button to insert Image maps. This allows you to associate URLs to areas of an image, creating hotspots.
Allow insertion of widgets
This allows you to embed on your web pages your favourite videos and applications such as vimeo or slideshare and all sorts of widgets and gadgets
Type of filtering on document uploads
Whether you want to use the blacklist or whitelist filtering. See blacklist or whitelist description below for more details.
Blacklist - setting
The blacklist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension figures in the blacklist below. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: exe;com;bat;scr;php. Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter.
Whitelist - setting
The whitelist is used to filter the files extensions by removing (or renaming) any file which extension does NOT figure in the whitelist below. It is generally considered as a safer but more restrictive approach to filtering. The extensions should figure without the leading dot (.) and separated by semi-column (;) like the following: htm;html;txt;doc;xls;ppt;jpg;jpeg;gif;sxw . Files without extension are accepted. Letter casing (uppercase/lowercase) doesn't matter.
Filtering behaviour (skip/rename)
If you choose to skip, the files filtered through the blacklist or whitelist will not be uploaded to the system. If you choose to rename them, their extension will be replaced by the one defined in the extension replacement setting. Beware that renaming doesn't really protect you, and may cause name collision if several files of the same name but different extensions exist.
Replacement extension
Enter the extension that you want to use to replace the dangerous extensions detected by the filter. Only needed if you have selected a filter by replacement.
Permissions for new directories
The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created directory lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0770) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions.
Permissions for new files
The ability to define the permissions settings to assign to every newly created file lets you improve security against attacks by hackers uploading dangerous content to your portal. The default setting (0550) should be enough to give your server a reasonable protection level. The given format uses the UNIX terminology of Owner-Group-Others with Read-Write-Execute permissions. If you use Oogie, take care that the user who launch OpenOffice can write files in the course folder.
OpenID authentication
Enable the OpenID URL-based authentication (displays an additional login form on the homepage)
Register users by Coach
Coach users may create users to the platform and subscribe users to a session.
Extend rights for coach
Activate this option will give the coach the same permissions as the trainer on authoring tools
Extend rights for coaches on surveys
Activate this option will allow the coaches to create and edit surveys
Allow User Course Subscription By Course Administrator
Activate this option will allow course administrator to subscribe users inside a course
Single Sign On
Enabling Single Sign On allows you to connect this platform as a slave of an authentication master, for example a Drupal website with the Drupal-Chamilo plugin or any other similar master setup.
Domain of the Single Sign On server
The domain of the Single Sign On server (the web address of the other server that will allow automatic registration to Chamilo). This should generally be the address of the other server without any trailing slash and without the protocol, e.g.
Single Sign On server authentication URL
The address of the page that deals with the authentication verification. For example /?q=user in Drupal's case.
Single Sign On server's logout URL
The address of the page on the server that logs the user out. This option is useful if you want users logging out of Chamilo to be automatically logged out of the authentication server.
Single Sign On server's protocol
The protocol string to prefix the Single Sign On server's domain (we recommend you use https:// if your server is able to provide this feature, as all non-secure protocols are dangerous for authentication matters)
Split users' upload directory
On high-load portals, where a lot of users are registered and send their pictures, the upload directory (main/upload/users/) might contain too many files for the file-system to handle (it has been reported with more than 36000 files on a Debian server). [...]
Competence thresholds colouring
Tick the box to enable Competences thresholds
Competence levels labelling
Tick the box to enable Competence levels labelling
The threshold (in %) under which scores will be coloured red
Display score upper limit
Tick the box to show the score's upper limit
Number of decimals
Allows you to set the number of decimals allowed in a score
Main LDAP server address
The IP address or URL of your main LDAP server.
Main LDAP server's port.
The port on which the main LDAP server will respond (usually 389). This is a mandatory setting.
LDAP domain
This is the LDAP domain (dc) that will be used to find the contacts on the LDAP server. For example: dc=xx, dc=yy, dc=zz
Replicate server address
When the main server is not available, this server will be accessed. Leave blank or use the same value as the main server if you don't have a replicate server.
Replicate server's port
The port on which the replicate server will respond.
Search term
This term will be used to filter the search for contacts on the LDAP server. If you are unsure what to put in here, please refer to your LDAP server's documentation and configuration.
LDAP version
Please select the version of the LDAP server you want to use. Using the right version depends on your LDAP server's configuration.
Tutor identification field
A check will be done on this LDAP contact field on new users insertion. If this field is not empty, the user will be considered as a tutor and inserted in Chamilo as such. If you want all your users to be recognised as simple users, leave this field empty. You can modify this behaviour by changing the code. Please read the installation guide for more information.
Authentication login
If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user login that should be used. Do not include "cn=". Leave empty for anonymous access.
Authentication password
If you are using an LDAP server that does not support or accept anonymous access, fill the following field with the user password that should be used.
Tutor identification value
When a check is done on the tutor field given above, this value has to be inside one of the tutor fields sub-elements for the user to be considered as a trainer. If you leave this field blank, the only condition is that the field exists for this LDAP user to be considered as a trainer. As an example, the field could be "memberof" and the value to search for could be "CN=G_TRAINER,OU=Trainer".
Time zones
Use users time zones
Enable the possibility for users to select their own time zone. The time zone field should be set to visible and changeable in the Profiling menu in the administration section before users can choose their own.
Time zone value
This is the time zone for this portal. If left empty, it will use the server's time zone. If configured, all times on the system will be shown based on this time zone. This setting has a lower priority than the user's time zone, if enabled and selected by the
Full text search
This feature allows you to index most of the documents uploaded to your portal, then provide a search feature for users. [...]
Style sheets
Stylesheets selection
Templates management
Dashboard plugins
Student Graph Block
Display information about students inside platform with graph
Evaluation Graph Block
Display maximum, minimum and average evaluations about links inside assessments tool
Student Block
Display information about students inside platform
Teacher Block
Display information about teachers inside platform
Session Block
Display information about sessions inside platform
Teacher Graph Block
Display information about teachers inside platform with graph
Gradebook & Attendances
Access to attendances in a Gradebook
Gradebook & Attendances
Display information about courses inside platform
Extra (when BigBlueButton is enabled)
BigBlueButton video-conference tool
Choose whether you want to enable the BigBlueButton video-conference tool. Once enabled, it will show as an additional course tool in all courses' homepage, and teachers will be able to launch a conference at any time. [...]
BigBlueButton server host
This is the name of the server where your BigBlueButton server is running. Might be localhost, an IP address (e.g. or a domain name (e.g.
Security key of the BigBlueButton server
This is the security key of your BigBlueButton server, which will allow your server to authenticate the Chamilo installation. Refer to the BigBlueButton documentation to locate it.