Test/exam Reporting

Illustration: Exam tracking

Inside the Tests tool

Inside the Tests tool itself, the teacher will also find a large amount of reporting options.

Illustration: Tests list

Note that the broom(s) icons are meant to delete all previous user results from the database, so do not use them without thinking thoroughly about the impact they might have on your tracking.

Export all results as individual PDFs

Note the zips themselves are named based on internal IDs of the session (S) (if any), the course (C) and the test (T). While these IDs are not readily visible in Chamilo, you can usually find them in the URL or hovering over an icon.

Although not covered completely in this manual, the same kind of report can be generated, with the addition of a date filter, from the administration page, "Course sessions" block, "Export all results from an exercise" link.

Illustration: Link to PDF export of all results

On this page, you can filter by session, course, test and start/end dates.

Illustration: PDF export page for all tests

This latter feature is only available to administrators as it spans all sessions, courses and tests.

Within a test

Illustration: Test reports page

On this page, everything has to do with reporting, so let's dive into more details.

Live results

Illustration: Test report "live"

On this screen, you can see that 2 users are currently taking a 3-questions test. One of them started at 10:46 AM, the second one at 10:47 AM.

The first user only answered 1 question so far (column Questions already answered only showing partially in this screenshot), while the second user already answered 2 questions.

However, their score is the same, meaning the second user has made a mistake already (otherwise, given the test contains 3 questions and (s)he already answered 2 of them (s)he would have obtained 67% progress).

This type of report is particularly practical while watching over a group of students in a common room, as you can then intervene and check if everything is alright before the end of the test.

For example, getting all answers correct very quickly might mean the user is using some cheating technique.

On the opposite spectrum, if users take a long time and answer most questions incorrectly, they might have some technical issue or mental stress that you might be able to help with.

Report by question

The second icon, a standard pie chart icon, brings you to a report page all about questions.

Illustration: Test report by question

The table is divided into two different sections.

The first one is a synthesis of each question:

  • Question title.

  • Question type.

  • Number of learners who "selected" it, meaning the number of users who had this question appear in their test. It's important to note that, in tests with questions picked at random in a questions bank, not all users will see all questions.

  • Lowest score: the lowest score obtained on that question. This is usually 0, except if no-one got it completely wrong.

  • Average score: the sum of scores on that question, divided by the number of times it appeared to a student.

  • Highest score: the highest score for that question. If a question does not have the top score there at all, it means that no-one got it 100% right, so it would look like the question itself might be a bit too difficult or out of context. A good hint for teachers.

  • Score: this is the highest possible score for that question (to be compared with the Highest score column).

The second part of the table focuses more on the possible answers, and tries to provide some insight into how well these possible answers have been prepared:

  • Question title.

  • Answer: each of the possible answers.

  • Correct: whether that specific answer is considered correct for the question.

  • Number of users who selected it: the number of users who selected that specific answer when answering the question.

If a question has well-designed "possible answers" and you have a normal set of learners, it is likely that each answer would be selected at a reasonable frequency. If an answer is never selected, then either:

  • all of your learners are amazingly good at this

  • that answer is too obviously wrong

  • your data set is not large enough to make this analysis relevant (only a few learners or so)

Note you can export this report using the icons in the action bar.

Report by attempt

The Report by attempts icon brings you to a page focused on counting attempts, essentially.

Illustration: Test report by attempt

The table shows the following information:

  • Username

  • E-mail

  • One column for each question (hovering the ID will show you the question title), giving you the number of times each question appeared during the attempt (0 or 1 time)

By clicking the cells with something different than 0, you open a modal window showing you the answer of that specific user to that specific question.

Illustration: Detail of question attempt

Note you can export this report in .xlsx format.

Export un-detailed results

Illustration: Export results options

An option allows you to include user profile fields (if they have been defined by the administrator and marked as available for filtering) in the export.

Recalculate results

Recalculating scores can be useful if you have modified a question in a way that fixes an issue but can have an impact on previous users' scores to the test.

For example, let's say you had a unique-answer question and, while designing the question, you made a mistake and marked answer 2 as correct whereas it should have been answer 3.

Learners who (erroneously) marked answer 2 would have gotten a score for a correct answer (+1, for example) while they should have gotten 0 or -1. Similarly, learners who marked the correct answer 3 would have had a score of 0 or -1 to that question.

One learner reports that this question was incorrectly scored (or maybe you noticed it yourself), so you decide to fix the question by changing the correct answer and the corresponding score.

Now your question is fixed, but the scores of learners who took the test previously are still considering that answer 2 was the correct one.

To fix this, simply click the Recalculate results, either in the action bar (applying to all attempts) or next to one specific attempt to only affect that one. Chamilo will then recalculate the scores based on the answers selected by the learners, but taking into account the correct score.

Of course, this might lead to confusion within your group of learners, so make sure you communicate correctly around this change. You can do so through the "Announcement" tool of the course.

Export all results from an exercise

Given the fact it generates several PDFs at once, it will package them in one single zip file.

Clean all results before a selected date

In this case, a calendar allows you to pick the date after which attempts will not be deleted.

This option is often used in the absence of sessions management, where the same course is used over and over again across calendar years, so you want to clean up what other learners did before, so you have a clean sheet to work with.

However, we strongly recommend using sessions and keeping reporting data untouched.

Questions stats report

The Question stats button leads you to a table putting in evidence the number and rate of wrong answers to each question. Similarly to the Report by question we saw a few sections back, this report helps you identify the questions that have the highest probability of being improved by reformulating, as it is not "normal" that most learners would fail it.

Illustration: Questions statistics report

Note you can export this report in XLS format, and you can filter the results by group or by user.

Comparative group report

The Comparative group report button leads you to a page that allows you to compare the relative performance between user groups (as defined in the Groups tool of the same course).

Illustration: Comparative group report

The report is very short and shows the average score for each group.

Note that this report is based on an average of all attempts by users. If a user has 3 attempts, then the average will include those 3 attempts.

You can export this report in XLS format.

Within an attempt

Finally, on the main results page, you already have relevant and important data...

The page is paginated, which means you can have as many results there and you can choose the number of results shown per page.

Most columns are sortable and searchable, so if you have a lot of data there, you can quickly filter by users' lastnames, for example.

Illustration: Test reports page, more results

Let's review the available columns:

  • First name.

  • Last name.

  • Group: the user group to which this user belongs, in the course (this is not the global class).

  • Duration: in minutes, the amount of time the user took to finish this attempt. Note that while the test is unfinished, this number remains set to 0. To see a "live" attempt, check the Live results report.

  • Start Date: the date and time the user started the test (expressed in your timezone if you have set one, otherwise the system time).

  • End Date: the end date. If the test is unfinished, this is the time of the last interaction (saving an answer, for example).

  • Score: the user's score for this attempt. The format of that information can be reconfigured at the global level. By default, it shows the percentage and the absolute score on top of the maximum achievable score for this test.

  • IP: if not disabled by the admin, the system registers the IP address of the user (IPv4 or IPv6) and shows it to teachers, in an attempt to ease identification of fraudulent simultaneous attempts by the same user from 2 different IP addresses.

  • Status: an indicator of the current state of the test. Can be "Unclosed" if still unfinished, "Not validated" if finished but the teacher did not yet validate the test results manually, and "Validated" when (s)he did.

  • Learning path: in case this test is used in a learning path, the name of the learning path will be shown in this column for informative purposes.

  • Detail: a series of actions that can be executed on the attempt, or basic information:

    • Teacher icon: identifies if the user who took this test was a learner or a teacher (usually, results from teachers can be ignored, but we still include them where we feel it would confuse teachers not to include them).

    • Lock icon: whenever a test is in the "Unclosed" state, teachers can force the closure of the test, in which case it changes to "Not validated".

    • Test icon ("Grade activity"): allows the teacher to move to the detailed report of attempt for this attempt and give feedback or set scores in the case of open-type questions.

    • Pencil icon ("Edit"): only appears if the test was already validated before, to allow for another layer of validation.

    • Compass icon (IP address appears on hover): check where in the world the IP address that was registered is located (approximately).

    • Cross icon ("Delete") to delete the attempt (which will allow the user to take the test again, except if it was limited in dates of availability).

Test attempt detail

When clicking that test or pencil icon in the "Detail" column of any attempt, the teacher is sent to the same kind of page as the user itself will see upon finishing the test if some feedback or results are set to be shown.

Illustration: Test attempt detail

Except the teacher can provide feedback (if the question is auto-evaluated) or feedback and a score if the question is of "open" type.

At the end of the page, a checkbox allows the teacher to decide whether the feedback provided should be sent by e-mail to the user or not.

If the test was not entirely auto-evaluated, the manual evaluation is a necessary process. We recommend to teachers to do that quickly, as users love rapid feedback.

Obviously, the ideal solution in terms of immediate feedback is still not to include any question that requires manual evaluation.

This detail page can also be exported to PDF.

Last updated