Document history
This document is the fruit of the collaboration of several organisations and individuals. In order to keep a trace of the successive participations of these people an ensure the lasting of their contribution, we keep a complete record here. If you improve this document in any way, please add your name below and send the updated version (together with a list of changes) to Thank you!
2010, Anaël Boulier
Rédaction de base du manuel pour Chamilo 1.8.7
Avril 2011
BeezNest Belgium SPRL, Yannick Warnier
Mise à jour pour 1.8.8, correctifs, mise en page, ajouts de détails
Juillet 2011
BeezNest Belgium SPRL, Yannick Warnier
Mise à jour pour, ajouts de sections multi-url, videoconf, styles, conversion ppt, classes, filières et promotions, copies de sessions, rôles d'utilisateurs, extension de profils, sous-langages, réécriture de l'introduction, listing des options
July 2011
BeezNest Belgium SPRL
Translation to English. Missing illustrations and peer review.
March 2013
BeezNest Belgium SPRL
Updated to Chamilo 1.9 and added new sections.
Last updated