Step 3 of 6: License
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Here, Chamilo explains it is a free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) (version 3 or superior) and that part of its content is released under BY-SA Creative Commons.
To go to the next step, you'll have to read the license and approve it, otherwise you are not authorized to use this software (it is very important for you to understand that you are only allowed to use it if you accept these conditions). You will find other translations of this license (probably in your own language) if you need it, connecting to the Free Software Foundation, which is the organisation which publishes this license.
Illustration: Installation - License
Note: Starting with version 1.8.8, you will also find an optional form below the license approval. This form allows us some contact data about you and let you know of any event organised by the Chamilo Association or its members, which happen near your location.
Illustration: Installation contact form
We will treat your contact information with care and will not provide it to third parties. It will be kept within the association itself. As per most privacy laws, you are entitled to have your data removed or updated in our database by sending an e-mail at