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Every setting of this step can be modified after the installation through theChamilo Administration page, except for the Encryption method and the Portal URL.
Encryption method is almost impossible to change afterwards as it would imply re-generating new passwords for all users and sending them by e-mail. The default option is always the most secure, so we recommend you leave it as it is.
Portal URL could be updated but only through the configuration file, which could prove tricky. Please select these two wisely.
Main language : default language on your portal.
Chamilo URL : URL of your Chamilo portal (locally : ; remotely : ).
Admin's e-mail : portal administrator's e-mail contact address (or support team)
Admin's first name and last name : will be shown in the footer as the link to the admin's e-mail address. You can put any information there, like “Support team” as an example.
Admin's login and password : IMPORTANT – will allow you to connect to your portal as administrator later on. One option is to set a global functional admin account here (named “admin”) and have multiple people use that account. It is, however, recommended to create a more personalized account for each administrator (so this first one should be yours), to be able to keep track of all actions taken by other administrators.
Portal's name and organisation's short name : will be visible, only in specific visual themes, in the top left corner of the page (on all pages).
Encryption method : hashing and cryptographic functions that will be used to secure the users passwords in your database. We recommend (and select by default) the most secure one available in Chamilo: SHA1.
Self registration : will allow user to register alone; set to No for a private portal.
Self registration as teacher : will allow user to register alone as a teacher; only taken into account if the previous setting is set to Yes. This will allow new users to register as teachers, and thus to create new courses.
Note : The user defined on this screen will have full administration permissions. He will be able to update the settings on this page afterwards.