
Sub-languages are summarily defined in the Administrator Guide and can be defined following the procedure below:

  1. Go to platform settings

  2. Pick the “languages” section

  3. Enable the sub-languages feature

  4. Click the “Platform languages” link in the first setting of this section to get to the languages list

  5. Click the U.N. flag with a yellow star icon next to the parent language to define a new sub-language

  6. Return to the languages list

  7. Click the double arrow icon to redefine some specific terms (and redefine some)

  8. Change the language for one of the platform users (can be yourself)

  9. Disconnect and connect as the changed user

  10. You should see the transformed terms

Of course, once these 10 steps have been followed, changing new terms is just a matter of 3-4 steps.

Last updated